Saturday, September 21, 2013
Smith College
A one-day conference in mathematics and statistics.
Open to all
Click here for a detailed schedule and abstracts.
Plenary talks by
Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan
"Modeling Tumor Angiogenesis"
Motility is a fundamental property of cells. Coordinated motility of endothelial cells that reside on the inner surface of blood vessels leads to a critical bifurcation point in cancer progression: tumor angiogenesis. Successful angiogenesis is a consequence of biochemical and biomechanical signal integration across multiple levels of biological organization, and several temporal and spatial scales. A major challenge facing the cancer research community is to synthesize known information in a way that improves our understanding of the mechanisms driving tumor angiogenesis and that will advance efforts aimed at the development of new therapies for treating cancer. In this talk, several mathematical models of tumor angiogenesis will be explored and recent advances will be highlighted.
Professor Jackson's talk will be the inaugural
Dorothy Wrinch Lecture in Biomathematics.
Susan Loepp, Williams College
"Polynomials, Power Series, and Confessions of a Commutative Algebraist"
Students discover the beauty and usefulness of polynomials early in their mathematical careers. Then, in Calculus, they are introduced to the intriguing idea of power series. In this talk, we will start by defining a new arithmetic for polynomials, followed by a discussion of several surprising relationships between polynomials and power series. Research results proved by undergraduates will be mentioned. The talk will be peppered with stories of the speaker’s own mathematical journey.
Short talks by students, Lunch for everyone, A panel discussion on being a graduate student, No registration fee.
Students are invited to give a 15 minute talk.
Register here by Sept. 15 to let us know you're coming.
Talk titles must be in by Sept. 10.
Funding for this conference is provided by
The Center for Women in Mathematics at Smith, NSF grant DMS-1143716,
The Four College Biomath Consortium (4CBC)
The Smith College Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Last update: 9/19/13