This lab on Decision Trees is a Python adaptation of p. 324-331 of "Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R" by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani. Original adaptation by J. Warmenhoven, updated by R. Jordan Crouser at Smith College for SDS293: Machine Learning (Spring 2016).

Want to follow along on your own machine? Download the .py or Jupyter Notebook version.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import graphviz

%matplotlib inline

8.3.1 Fitting Classification Trees

The sklearn library has a lot of useful tools for constructing classification and regression trees:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor, DecisionTreeClassifier, export_graphviz
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, mean_squared_error

We'll start by using classification trees to analyze the Carseats data set. In these data, Sales is a continuous variable, and so we begin by converting it to a binary variable. We use the ifelse() function to create a variable, called High, which takes on a value of Yes if the Sales variable exceeds 8, and takes on a value of No otherwise. We'll append this onto our dataFrame using the .map() function, and then do a little data cleaning to tidy things up:

df3 = pd.read_csv('Carseats.csv').drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1)
df3['High'] = x: 1 if x>8 else 0)
df3.ShelveLoc = pd.factorize(df3.ShelveLoc)[0]
df3.Urban ={'No':0, 'Yes':1})
df3.US ={'No':0, 'Yes':1})

In order to properly evaluate the performance of a classification tree on the data, we must estimate the test error rather than simply computing the training error. We first split the observations into a training set and a test set:

X = df3.drop(['Sales', 'High'], axis = 1)
y = df3.High

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size = 0.8, random_state = 0)

We now use the DecisionTreeClassifier() function to fit a classification tree in order to predict High. Unfortunately, manual pruning is not implemented in sklearn:

However, we can limit the depth of a tree using the max_depth parameter:

classification_tree_carseats = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 6), y_train)
classification_tree_carseats.score(X_train, y_train)

We see that the training accuracy is 92.2%.

One of the most attractive properties of trees is that they can be graphically displayed. Unfortunately, this is a bit of a roundabout process in sklearn. We use the export_graphviz() function to export the tree structure to a temporary .dot file, and the graphviz.Source() function to display the image:

                out_file = "", 
                feature_names = X_train.columns)

with open("") as f:
    dot_graph =

The most important indicator of High sales appears to be Price.

Finally, let's evaluate the tree's performance on the test data. The predict() function can be used for this purpose. We can then build a confusion matrix, which shows that we are making correct predictions for around 72.5% of the test data set:

pred = classification_tree_carseats.predict(X_test)
cm = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, pred).T, 
                  index = ['No', 'Yes'], 
                  columns = ['No', 'Yes'])
# (37+21)/80 = 0.745

8.3.2 Fitting Regression Trees

Now let's try fitting a regression tree to the Boston data set from the MASS library. First, we create a training set, and fit the tree to the training data using medv (median home value) as our response:

boston_df = pd.read_csv('Boston.csv')
X = boston_df.drop('medv', axis = 1)
y = boston_df.medv
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size = 0.8, random_state = 0)

# Pruning not supported. Choosing max depth 2)
regr_tree_boston = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = 2), y_train)

Let's take a look at the tree:

                out_file = "", 
                feature_names = X_train.columns)

with open("") as f:
    dot_graph =

The variable lstat measures the percentage of individuals with lower socioeconomic status. The tree indicates that lower values of lstat correspond to more expensive houses. The tree predicts a median house price of \$45,766 for larger homes (rm>=7.4351) in suburbs in which residents have high socioeconomic status (lstat<7.81).

Now let's see how it does on the test data:

pred = regr_tree_boston.predict(X_test)

            label = 'medv')

plt.plot([0, 1], 
         [0, 1], 
         transform = plt.gca().transAxes)


mean_squared_error(y_test, pred)

The test set MSE associated with the regression tree is 35.4. The square root of the MSE is therefore around 5.95, indicating that this model leads to test predictions that are within around \$5,950 of the true median home value for the suburb.

8.3.3 Bagging and Random Forests

Let's see if we can improve on this result using bagging and random forests. The exact results obtained in this section may depend on the version of python and the version of the RandomForestRegressor package installed on your computer, so don't stress out if you don't match up exactly with the book. Recall that bagging is simply a special case of a random forest with $m = p$. Therefore, the RandomForestRegressor() function can be used to perform both random forests and bagging. Let's start with bagging:

# Bagging: using all features
bagged_boston = RandomForestRegressor(max_features = 13, random_state = 1), y_train)

The argument max_features = 13 indicates that all 13 predictors should be considered for each split of the tree -- in other words, that bagging should be done. How well does this bagged model perform on the test set?

pred = bagged_boston.predict(X_test)

            label = 'medv')

plt.plot([0, 1], 
         [0, 1], 
         transform = plt.gca().transAxes)


mean_squared_error(y_test, pred)

The test set MSE associated with the bagged regression tree is significantly lower than our single tree!

We can grow a random forest in exactly the same way, except that we'll use a smaller value of the max_features argument. Here we'll use max_features = 6:

# Random forests: using 6 features
random_forest_boston = RandomForestRegressor(max_features = 6, random_state = 1), y_train)

pred = random_forest_boston.predict(X_test)
mean_squared_error(y_test, pred)

The test set MSE is even lower; this indicates that random forests yielded an improvement over bagging in this case.

Using the feature_importances_ attribute of the RandomForestRegressor, we can view the importance of each variable:

Importance = pd.DataFrame({'Importance':random_forest_boston.feature_importances_*100}, 
                          index = X.columns)

Importance.sort_values(by = 'Importance', 
                       axis = 0, 
                       ascending = True).plot(kind = 'barh', 
                                              color = 'r', )

plt.xlabel('Variable Importance')
plt.gca().legend_ = None

The results indicate that across all of the trees considered in the random forest, the wealth level of the community (lstat) and the house size (rm) are by far the two most important variables.

8.3.4 Boosting

Now we'll use the GradientBoostingRegressor package to fit boosted regression trees to the Boston data set. The argument n_estimators = 500 indicates that we want 500 trees, and the option interaction.depth = 4 limits the depth of each tree:

boosted_boston = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 500, 
                                           learning_rate = 0.01, 
                                           max_depth = 4, 
                                           random_state = 1), y_train)

Let's check out the feature importances again:

feature_importance = boosted_boston.feature_importances_*100

rel_imp = pd.Series(feature_importance, 
                    index = X.columns).sort_values(inplace = False)

rel_imp.T.plot(kind = 'barh', 
               color = 'r', )

plt.xlabel('Variable Importance')

plt.gca().legend_ = None

We see that lstat and rm are again the most important variables by far. Now let's use the boosted model to predict medv on the test set:

mean_squared_error(y_test, boosted_boston.predict(X_test))

The test MSE obtained is similar to the test MSE for random forests and superior to that for bagging. If we want to, we can perform boosting with a different value of the shrinkage parameter $\lambda$. Here we take $\lambda = 0.2$:

boosted_boston2 = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 500, 
                                            learning_rate = 0.2, 
                                            max_depth = 4, 
                                            random_state = 1), y_train)

mean_squared_error(y_test, boosted_boston2.predict(X_test))

In this case, using $\lambda = 0.2$ leads to a slightly lower test MSE than $\lambda = 0.01$.

To get credit for this lab, post your responses to the following questions:

  • What's one real-world scenario where you might try using Bagging?
  • What's one real-world scenario where you might try using Random Forests?
  • What's one real-world scenario where you might try using Boosting?

to Moodle: