Fluid flow, metamorphism, and metasomatism

Illustration of metamorphic phase equilibria for selected reactions in the system Ca-Mg-Al-Si-H2O-CO2. Modified from Greenwood (1967) and Kerrick (1974). Examples of four fracture controlled alteration events: A) Fluid in fracture is same temperature and composition as surrounding rocks at high XCO2. B) Fluid in fracture is same temperature as surounding rocks but has flushed some CO2 out of the system. C) Fluid in fracture is cooler than surrounding rocks and has flushed some CO2 out of the system. D) Fluid in fracture is a concentrated metasomatic fluid with magmatic components including Fe, Cu, and S.

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Last Updated: December 21, 1995

© 1995 (Larry Meinert)